This was an implementation of National Semiconductor's reference design for LME49830 (now obsolete) with two matched pairs of Toshiba's 2SK1530+2SJ201 (also obsolete) per channel. As National Semiconductor in 2011 became part of Texas Instruments, this became a truly obsolete build.
The design is documented in two National Semiconductor's application notes, AN1849 for the power supply and AN1850 for the amplifier - the latter is unavailable from TI. The PCBs were made using National's gerbers for the amplifier and the power supply, thus National's logos.
The amp sounds surprisingly good, so good that I rebuilt is as a pair of monoblocks, each delivering healthy 200W into 8 ohms. It now looks much tidier; I will post the pictures of the monoblocks later.
The design is documented in two National Semiconductor's application notes, AN1849 for the power supply and AN1850 for the amplifier - the latter is unavailable from TI. The PCBs were made using National's gerbers for the amplifier and the power supply, thus National's logos.
The amp sounds surprisingly good, so good that I rebuilt is as a pair of monoblocks, each delivering healthy 200W into 8 ohms. It now looks much tidier; I will post the pictures of the monoblocks later.